Noah Berger is a city planner, artist and social justice advocate. He is a twenty-three year veteran of public transportation, focused on filling gaps in the regional transit network by bridging low-income neighborhoods and employment centers. He has held leadership positions with CTTransit, the Greater Hartford Transit District, the Federal Transit Administration, the Boston Foundation, the MBTA Advisory Board, Cambridge Systematics, and the Enterprise Community Transportation Project in Burlington, Vermont. He has also held positions with Boston’s Parker Shelter and the New York Yankees, and he was Outreach Coordinator for the 1994 reelection campaign of a little-known Vermont Congressman named Bernie Sanders. He is author of By Bus, Bike or Boat: A Rider’s Guide to Public Transit in Greater Burlington and Vermont, and “The Guardian of the Birds” in John Abarno’s The Ethics of Homelessness: Philosophical Perspectives. He has a Masters Degree in City Planning from M.I.T., and a Masters in Philosophy from the State University of New York. He is an exhibited oil painter and illustrator, with an interest in the interrelationship between art and infrastructure. Noah is originally from New York City, and currently lives in Newton, Massachusetts.